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Land Rover Discovery Sport

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...

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超凡智慧 超凡空间 超凡安全 华为高阶智驾1  舒享百变智慧大座舱2  全维超强车身3 超凡颜值 智慧大空间 SUV,沿袭最新家族化前脸设计,新仪态,新气质,新配色,新内饰。 超凡驾控 驾驶酣畅淋漓,乘坐舒适愉悦,既快还稳,方为超凡驾控。 4.8 秒 四驱版百公里加速4 1300 公里 后驱版 CLTC 综合续航5 5.6 L / 100 km 后驱版 CLTC 油耗6 34.2 米 后驱版百公里制动距离7 ADS 预瞄 + 连续可变阻尼减振器 通过摄像头、激光雷达提前识别路面信息,配⁠合悬架中的连续可变阻尼减振器调节,以及前后轴扭矩智⁠能转移,过减速带时舒适安稳,如履平地。 10 ms 信息实时传递8 100 次 / 秒 悬架调节频率8 29.3% 俯仰抑制效果提升8 19.2% 滤振效果提升8

2016 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...

Fiat Forced to Buy Back 500K Vehicles

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...

Justin Bieber’s Ferrari 458 Italia Transformation

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...

BFGoodrich Unveils Supersport G-Force Tires

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...

Scenes From the 2015 Pebble Beach Tour

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...

2016 Chevrolet Malibu: No Yawning!

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...

Volkswagen Beetle R-Line is a Little Beast

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...

Monterey Auctions See $393 M in Sales

Admit it. There are times when you wish you could get away from it all by moving to your own private island. Well, some...


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